Thursday, January 5, 2012


7-67. Forming effective, cohesive teams is often the first challenge of a leader working outside a
traditional command structure. These teams usually have to be formed from disparate groups who are
unfamiliar with military and Army customs and culture. Without some measure of trust, nothing will work
as well. To establish trust, the leader will have to identify areas of common interests and goals. Trust
between two people or two groups is based largely on being able to anticipate what the others understand
and how they will respond in various situations. Keeping others informed also builds trust. Cementing and
sustaining trust depends on following through on commitments.

7-68. Successful teams develop an infectious winner’s attitude. Problems are challenges rather than
obstacles. Cohesive teams accomplish missions much more efficiently than a loose group of individuals.
While developing seamless teams is ideal, sometimes it will not be practical to bring disparate groups

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